Translation of the song Bilo je lijepo dok je trajalo artist Hari Mata Hari


Bilo je lijepo dok je trajalo

English translation

It was nice while it lasted

Previse je lijepa, da bi je osudio

She's too pretty for me to punish her

sto je drugi ljubio

For another man kissing her

previse je lijepa znam

She's too pretty I know

al’ stacu kad ja drugu nemam

But what can I do when I have no one else

Daj mi Boze snage

God give me strength

da kad vrata zatvorim

For when I close the door

da nju zaboravim

To forget her

zivot moj sad gubi sjaj

My life is losing its shine

al’ idem dalje, moram saznat kraj

But I'm going further, I have to find out the end



Bilo je lijepo dok je trajalo

It was nice while it lasted

al’ u tvom srcu sve je prestalo

But everything in your heart stopped

bilo je lijepo ali uzalud

It was nice but hopeless

svi idu negdje a ja nemam kud

Everyone goes somewhere but I have nowhere to go

Daj mi Boze snage

God give me strength

da kad vrata zatvorim

For when I close the door

da nju zaboravim

To forget her

zivot moj sad gubi sjaj

My life is losing its shine

al’ idem dalje, moram saznat kraj

But I'm going further, I have to find out the end


Chorus x3

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