Translation of the song Ćilim artist Hari Mata Hari



English translation


Nekad je znalo tako

It used to happen

puhnuti jugo jako

that south wind blow hard

i donjet miris mora

and bring the smell of the sea

ispod prozora u stari park

under the window into the old park

A jablan sav od snijega

A whole apple, all in snow

sam na vrhu brijega

lonely on top of the hill

okupan zlatnom bojom

bathed with golden colors

dok za sobom sunce vuče mrak

while the Sun pulls the dark behind it

U mome oku ima sive ima plave

In my eye there is some grey and blue (color)

ima kamena i neba

there is the stone and the sky

al u mom srcu ima vatre

but in my heart there is a fire

i za hladne noći ako treba

for cold nights as well, if necessary



Te oči plave kada vide mene

These blue eyes, when they see me,

vide ćilim šareni

they see a colorful carpet

a ja te volim jer takvi kakvi jesmo

and I love you because the way we are

jedno za drugo smo stvoreni

we are made for each other

Nekad je znala tako

Once it used to happen

doći ljubav lako

that love comes easily

al ko da ima krila

but as it has wings

vrat se nestane u trenu

it goes back, disappears in an moment

Moro sam čekat dugo

I had to wait for a long time

tebe ma kog bi drugog

you, oh, who else would I

jer samo jednom čovjek u životu

because only ones in whole life, man

sretne takvu ženu

meet such a woman

U mome oku ima sive ima plave

In my eye there is some grey and blue (color)

ima kamena i neba

there is the stone and the sky

al u mom srcu ima vatre

but in my heart there is a fire

i za hladne noći ako treba

for cold nights as well, if necessary

Refren 3x

(Refrain 3x)

Te oči plave kada vide mene

These blue eyes, when they see me,

vide ćilim šareni

they see a colorful carpet

a ja te volim jer takvi kakvi jesmo

and I love you because the way we are

jedno za drugo smo stvoreni

we are made for each other

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