Translation of the song Da mi je ova pamet bila artist Hari Mata Hari


Da mi je ova pamet bila

English translation

If I had this mind

Ne mogu te kupiti

I can't buy you

nit’ te mogu vratiti

And I can't have you back

ne mogu te kupiti

I can't buy you

nemam dukat žut

I don't have a yellow ducket

Lako ću bez ljubavi

I'll do it easily without love

al’ bez tebe suza mi

But not without you, I'm swearing with my tears

lako ću bez ljubavi

I'll do it easily without love

pokaži mi put

Show me the way



Da mi je, da mi je, ova pamet bila

If I, if I, if I had this mind,

ti ne bi me ostavila

You wouldn't leave me

da mi je, da mi je, ova pamet bila

If I, if I, if I had this mind,

znam, noćas bi me opet ljubila

I know, you would kiss me again this night

Dolazim pod prozore

I come under your windows

pa sam budan do zore

And I'm awake till dawn

dolazim pod prozore

I come under your windows

al’ te ne smijem zvat’

But I mustn't call you

Noćas bi’ te ljubio

I would kiss you this night

makar sve izgubio

It doesn't matter if I lose everything

noćas bi’ te ljubio

I would kiss you this night

al’ mi nećeš dat’

But you won't let me


Chorus 3x

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