Translation of the song Kad dođe oktobar artist Hari Mata Hari
Kad dođe oktobar
When October Comes
Noćas te nisam sanjao.
Tonight I didn't dream of you
Noćas te nisam ljubio.
Tonight I didn't kiss you
Noćas kad nastane ova pjesma za tebe,
Tonight when this song arises for you
Znaj da sam prebolio.
Know that I've pulled through
Dani se ne vraćaju.
The days don't return
Dobro sam kad me pitaju.
I'm good if they ask me
Para i vremena za svakog ko mi ne treba,
Money and time for everyone that I don't need
A koga volim nije tu.
But who I love isn't here
Kad dođe oktobar, i kiše padaju,
When October comes, and the rain falls
Ja sjetim se ljeta, i pomislim na nju.
I remember the summer, and think of her
I nije me sram kad oči zasuze,
And I'm not ashamed when my eyes tear up
To stara ljubav piše stihove.
That's old love writing poems
Znam, daleko od oka,
I know, far from the eye
Sve je dalje od srca.
And she's much further from the heart
Al' kako da sakrijem, u džepove sve ulice,
But how can I hide it, in my pockets are all the streets
Eh, gdje sam te ljubio...
Oh, where I've kissed you