Translation of the song Pusti me Bože, pusti me artist Hari Mata Hari


Pusti me Bože, pusti me

English translation

Let Me God, Let Me

Ne volim kad sretnem nekoga

I don't like it when I meet someone

ko se zove kao ti,

Who is has the same name as you

samo me na tugu

Your name just reminds me

svaki put ime podsjeti.

Of sadness every time

Mi smo dušo probali

We tried, my dear

nešto jače i od ljubavi.

Something stronger than love

Ne idem kroz tvoju ulicu

There are days

ima dana,

When I don't go through your street

prešao bih bola granicu

I would have passed the border of pain

kraj tvog stana.

By your flat

Milioni ljubavi,

A million romances

ali nisu kao mi.

But they're not like us


Refren (Chorus) 2x

Pusti me, Bože, pusti me!

Let me God, let me

Još jednom kraj nje spusti me

Lay me down next to her one more time

i nek je u životu mom,

And let the last sin in my life

zadnji grijeh sa njom.

Be being with her

Moje srce ti si odavno

You sold my heart long ago

za sreću prodala,

For happiness

pa si nasu tajnu lozinku

And you gave our secret password

njemu odala.

To him

Srce mi je sluđeno,

My heart is driven crazy

nije bilo suđeno.

It wasn't destined


Refren (Chorus) 2x

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