Translation of the song Sedamnaest ti je godina artist Hari Mata Hari


Sedamnaest ti je godina

English translation

You're Seventeen

Šalje me noćas nebo po tebe

Tonight the sky is sending me for you

da me spasiš od dosade

to save me from boredom*

ja bi da te vodim u svoj stan

I want to take you to my apartment

da me malo provozaš

to give me a ride,*

o ho, da te provozam

oh yes, to give you a ride.

Sva zadrhtiš kada čujes rok ‘n’ roll

You start to shake when you hear rock n' roll,

rok ‘n’ roll je pola ljubav, pola bol

Rock n' roll is half love, half pain*

znoj ti lijepi majicu uz tijelo

Sweat sticks your shirt to your body

ne gledaj me da nam nebi prisjelo

Don't look at me so it doesn't backfire later*

o ho, da ne bi prisjelo

Oh ho, so it doesn't backfire

o ho, da ne bi prisjelo

Oh ho, so it doesn't backfire.*


Ref 2x

Sedamnaest ti je godina

You're seventeen

još se nisi ljubila

you still haven't kissed.

sedamnaest mi je godina

I'm seventeen,

baš bih probala

and I want to try.*

Sva zadrhtim kada čujem rok ‘n’ roll

I start to shake when I hear rock n' roll

rok ‘n’ roll je pola ljubav, pola bol

Rock n' roll is half love, half pain.*

znoj mi lijepi majicu uz tijelo

The sweat is sticking the shirt to my body,

ne gledaj me da nam ne bi prisjelo

don't look at me so it doesn't backfire. *

o ho, da ne bi prisjelo

Oh ho, so it doesn't backfire.*

o ho, da ne bi prisjelo

Oh ho, so it doesn't backfire.*


Ref 2x

Sedamnaest mi je godina

I'm seventeen,

još se nisam ljubila

I still haven't kissed.*

zar još treba godina

Should more years pass,

da bih probala

before you try?



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