Translation of the song Zjenico oka moga artist Hari Mata Hari


Zjenico oka moga

English translation

Apple Of My Eye

Noćas mu nemoj dati molim te

Tonight don’t give yourself to him please

Slaži da te boli glava

Lie that you have a headache

Raspleti svoje kose, vidim te

Unbraid your hair, I can see you

Pomisli ljubav nije šala

Think love is not a joke

Sjeti se kad je struje nestalo

Remember when electricity went off

Te kobne noći na Marin dvoru

That fateful night in Marin palace

Htio sam ali nisam uspio

I wanted but I didn’t manage

Poljubit’ te na svoju staru foru

To kiss you using my old head start

I dođe sa sjevera

And there came from the north

snijeg do Šehera

Snow up to Seher

I zaledi Miljacka po prvi put

And Miljacka froze for the first time

Od tada ne idem više tu

Since then I don’t take that road

Ne neću! Nisam toliko lud!

No I don’t want to! I am not that crazy!

Zjenico oka moga

Apple of my eye

život je babaroga

life is a witch

Plaši me plaši ko da zna

It scares me as if it knows

Zjenico oka moga

Apple of my eye

ja nemam nikog svoga

I have nobody of my own

Da noćas utjehu mi da

To give me comfort tonight

Zjenico oka moga

Apple of my eye

još fali samo droga

The only thing missing is drugs

Da kažem stig’o sam do dna

So that I can say I’ve reached the bottom

Zjenico oka moga

Apple of my eye

ja nemam nikog svoga

I have nobody of my own

Da noćas utjehu mi da

To give me comfort tonight

Rekla si da je mračno,

You said it was dark

bojiš se

you were scared

A nisi znala ludo mala

but, silly, you didn’t know

Da u mraku bolje vidi se

that in the dark it’s easier to see

Kad oči žare, usne se pale

how eyes shine, lips burn

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