Translation of the song Znam priču o sreći artist Hari Mata Hari


Znam priču o sreći

English translation

I Know a Story About Happiness

Znam priču o sreći

I know a story about happiness.

znam riječi što suze brišu

I know words that wipe tears.

al' nikog uz mene

But there is no one with me,

moje noge same plešu

my legs dance alone.

Daj svijetlo na mene

Put the light on me

daj mi oči zaljubljene

Give me eyes that are in love

da gledam u tebe

so I can look at you

ti mi budiš uspomene

you awake my memories.

Znam priču o sreći

I know a story about happiness.

nikog nemam da me sluša

There is no one to listen to me.

ti ne moraš doći

You don't have to come,

al’ će doći tvoja duša

but your soul will.

Ti pobjede brojiš

You count your wins.

ja poraze svoje zidam

I build my losses.

ti si imala mene

You had me

a ja nikog da ga izdam

and I betray no one.


(Chorus 2x)

Ti ljubav sakrivaš

You hide love,

za neka bolja vremena

for some better times.

i mene ostavljaš

And you leave me,

k'o da me nema

like I do not exist.

Znam priču o sreći

I know a story about happiness.

nikog nemam da je sluša

There is no one to listen to me.

ti ne moraš doći

You don't have to come,

al’ će doći tvoja duša

but your soul will.

Ti pobjede brojišja poraze svoje zidam

You count your wins.

ti si imala mene

I build my losses.

a ja nikog da ga izdam

You had me


(Chorus 2x)

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