Translation of the song وقت الحساب artist Ahmed Saad


وقت الحساب

English translation

Payback time

وقت الحساب بينا ابتدي والحق جاي خلاص

Payback time has come. It's now time for Justice to be served

فاكرينها عدت واتنست وان اللي راحو رخاص؟!

They thought that we forgot and let go and that the death of those who have gone is too cheap to be avenged

جُبنا في جحور والموت حضر قلب الكلام لرصاص

Cowards (hiding) in holes! Death has come turning words into bullets

زلزال ودمر حلمكم هدّ الجحور على الراس

It quaked, destroyed your dream and demolished holes over your heads

الله أكبر على اللي باع على كل حد جبان

Allahu Akbar1 in the face of every coward who have sold2

رجالة جابوا الحق كانوا نار ولا البركان

True men got Justice served. They were like volcano's fire

قالوا علينا ان احنا أضعف منهم لكن

They was saying that we are weaker than them until...

شافوا الأسود زي الوحوش وقت الغضب بتبان

we showed them that, at the time of fury, lions rise up like monsters

الله أكبر على اللي باع على كل حد جبان

Allahu Akbar1 in the face of every coward who have sold2

رجالة جابوا الحق كانوا نار ولا البركان

True men got Justice served. They were like volcano's fire

قالوا علينا ان احنا أضعف منهم لكن

They was saying that we are weaker than them until...

شافوا الأسود زي الوحوش وقت الغضب بتبان

we showed them that, at the time of fury, lions rise up like monsters

مين اللي قال ان السكوت معناها أي خضوع؟

Who says that silence means submission?

الرد له وقت وتمن واحنا التمن مدفوع

Responding has its time and price. Price has been already paid

زي الجبل لو يوم غضب ده مافيش لغضبه رجوع

Like volcano: There is no way back once it erupts

ادي الوحوش قدام عنيكو والهروب ممنوع

Here are the monsters in front of your eyes and there is no escape

الله أكبر على اللي باع على كل حد جبان

Allahu Akbar1 in the face of every coward who have sold2

رجالة جابوا الحق كانوا نار ولا البركان

True men got Justice served. They were like volcano's fire

قالوا علينا ان احنا أضعف منهم لكن

They was saying that we are weaker than them until...

شافوا الأسود زي الوحوش وقت الغضب بتبان

we showed them that, at the time of fury, lions rise up like monsters

الله أكبر على اللي باع على كل حد جبان

Allahu Akbar1 in the face of every coward who have sold2

رجالة جابوا الحق كانوا نار ولا البركان

True men got Justice served. They were like volcano's fire

قالوا علينا ان احنا أضعف منهم لكن

They was saying that we are weaker than them until...

شافوا الأسود زي الوحوش وقت الغضب بتبان

we showed them that, at the time of fury, lions rise up like monsters

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