Translation of the song يا مدلع artist Ahmed Saad


يا مدلع

English translation


يا مدلع يا مدلع ياسايبنى فى نار قلبى مولع

Spoiled one, who leaves me with a fire burning in my heart

يا مدلع يا مدلع ياسايبنى فى نار قلبى مولع

Spoiled one, who leaves me with a fire burning in my heart

طب كلمة بس يا ابو الكلام خالص

How about a single word from a wordsmith like you

ده انت اللى من الآخر ياواد خالص

You're basically a mess

ريحنى قول يا ابن الحلال حاجة

Comfort me and say something

ده انا فيك وقعت وقلبي مش خالص

I fell in love with you and my heart is still at it

انت القمر جنبك بيتاخر

Next to you the moon gets delayed

ومافيش كلام حبك ده من الاخر

There's nothing more to say other than your love is the best

فيك الجمال سكر وبزيادة

You're beautiful with added sweetness

والنعمه اصلى ياواد ونوع فاخر

I swear that you're a genuine and a luxurious brand

فى الحلاوة انت اللى باصم

As for beauty, you are confirmed

فى الشقاوة الحكم حاسم

As for trouble making, the decision is indisputable

انت والنعمة بريمو

You really are prime

اصلى اصلى على قديمه

Genuine, genuine in a traditional way

يامدلع يامدلع يامجنني سيبني اجمع

Spoiled one who drives me crazy, let me recover

يامدلع يامدلع ياسايبنى فى نار قلبى مولع

Spoiled one, who leaves me with a fire burning in my heart

اه يا جامد بالوراثه ياللي محتاجلك حراسة

Congenially strong and in need of protection

ده انت لو عملوك دراسة هتطلع انت عمهم

If they study you, you'll turn out to be better than them1

انت حد حلاوته زايده قلبي منك ناره قايده

You're so beautiful that you set my heart on fire

انت حاجه ماجتش لسى اصل انت غيرهم كلهم

You're something that didn't happen yet, different from everyone else

فى الحلاوة انت اللى باصم

As for beauty, you are confirmed

فى الشقاوة الحكم حاسم

As for trouble making, the decision is indisputable

انت والنعمة بريمو

You really are prime

اصلى اصلى على قديمه

Genuine, genuine in a traditional way

يامدلع يامدلع يامجنني سيبني اجمع

Spoiled one who drives me crazy, let me recover

يامدلع يامدلع ياسايبنى فى نار قلبى مولع

Spoiled one, who leaves me with a fire burning in my heart

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