Translation of the song إرتاح artist Tamer Hosny
you rest now
ارتاح اللى انت عايزه اتعملك
You rest now what you wanted have been done
وبعدت ورضيت بحلك
I stepped away and accepted your solution
ماتلومش حد الا نفسك بتلومنى ليه
Dont blame anyone except yourself
وارتاح واهو كل واحد فى حاله
You rest now every one of us in its own way
والبعد مين اللى قاله
Separation....who have said it?
مش قولت نبعد بنفسك قولت ورضيت بيه
You said that we should separate said it and accepted it
مين اللى كان غلطان واهو تايه وعاش حيران
Who is the wrong one now..lost and lives in confusion
مين اللى راجع متأخر وعايزنى ارضى عليه
Who have returned back too late and want me to accept her
وانا سهل اوى مرضاش وافضل عنك بعيد مصفاش
Its easy for me not to accept you and stay away from you and doont be good towards you
ادينى وقت وانا هفكر ونشوف هنعمل ايه
Leave me a while to think and we will see what we will do
ااااه ندمان وراجعلى تحلف بعمرك
Yes you have regrets and you came back swearing with your life
مانا كنت ليك تحت امرك
I was all yours and under your command
وماشوفتش حاجة منى غير الاخلاص
And loyality that all what you have seen from me
تعبان ماللى انت عملته فيا محتاج افكر شوية
I am tired from what you have done to me I need to think for sometime
مابقتش عارف بحبك ولا خلاص
I doont know if I still loves you or not