Translation of the song ما تتغيري بقي artist Tamer Hosny


ما تتغيري بقي

English translation

change !

ما تتغيرى بقى حرام عليكى

oh change for god sake !

هدمتى حياتنا وحبنا

you destroyed our life and love

ما تتغيرى بقى ابوس ايديكى

I may kiss your hand if that's gonna make you change

لمى اللى باقى مننا

gather the remaining of us

كفاية عند وانانية

stop being stubborn and selfish

انتى ليه بتعملى كدا

why are you doing this ?

انا مش عدو ده انا حبيبك

i'm not your enemy , i'm your beloved

ومستهلش كل ده

I don't deserve all this from you

انا كل يوم بسببك

everyday because of you

بعلم نفسى اقسى

I teach myself to be stiffer

عشان يوم ما استغنى عنك

because on the day I give up on you

بسهوله اققدر انسى

i can forget you easily

صبرى عليكى مش ضعف منى وقوة منك

my patience is not a weakness but a strength of me

ده انا صابر عشان انا راجل

i'm patient because i'm a man

وبكمل الناقص عندك

and completing what's missing in you

مش فاهم ايه حصلك فجاة

I can't seem to understand what suddenly happened to you ?

طول الوقت قفلانى منك

all the time you seem to push me away

ورغم زعلى ورغم تعبى

and although of my sadness and tiredness

مش هاين عليا ابعد عنك

I don't wanna get away from you

وباقى على العشرة الى بينا

I still care for what's between us

وكل كلمه وكل وعد

and for every word and every promise

انتى ناسية عملنا ايه

have you forgotten what we had to do ?

عشان نكون انا وانتى لبعض

for you and me to be together

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