Translation of the song واحلم ليه artist Tamer Hosny


واحلم ليه

English translation

Wa7lam Leh

وحلم ليه وانا وياك

And why i'd dream while i am with you

دنا لامس بأيدي ملاك واتمنى أيه ياحبيبي

I am touching in my hand an angel and what i'd wish my beloved

وانت ادام عنيا

And you're in front of my eyes

ولا حسيت غرام قبليك ولا عرفتو الا جوا عنيك

Never felt passion and never know it but inside your eyes

حبيبي خلاص بقيت انا ليك وانت بقيت ليه

my beloved finally i became for you and you're for me

مايهمنيش الي فات من عمري ايه

I do not care what has gone of my life

والي فاضل ليه فيي انا عايشو ليك

And the rest of it i'll live it for you

وانا بين اديك اي شي مايهمنيش اصلى كنت هموت واعيش عمري لعنيك

While i am between your hands i do not care about anything because i was going to die and live my life for your eyes

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