Translation of the song ١٠٠ وش artist Tamer Hosny
١٠٠ وش
A Hundred Faces
اعزائي الغدارين
Dear treacherous people
اللي غدروا بمحبتنا
who sold out our love
روحوا ورب العباد
I pray that God
يديكوا على قد نيتكو من ناحيتنا
would give you exactly what you deserve
من كتر الناس اللي ب ١٠٠ وش
Because there are so many people with a hundred faces
وحشونا الناس اللي بوشين
We actually miss two-faced people
سامحونا غلطنا خلاص معلش
Forgive us, we made a mistake, we're sorry
حرمنا خلاص احنا آسفين
We won't do it again, we apologize
اللهم احفظنا
Oh God protect us
من القريب قبل الغريب
from the people who are around us, even more than from strangers
واحفظنا من اللي حافظنا
And protect us from the ones who know us well,
وكارهنا وعامل حبيب
And hate us but pretend to love us
ياه سواد سواد
Oh, so much darkness and many grudges
مفيش رحمة
And there's no mercy
والطيبة تاهت في الزحمة
Kindness is lost in all this chaos
حلوة ومرة كنا سوا
We used to be together, in happy and sad times
وقلوبكو بينا كانت تحس
And your hearts used to feel ours
قلوبنا ليه دلوقتي ليه
Why do our hearts now
بنشوفكوا في الحلوة وبس؟
only see you in our happy times?
وشين وشين
Two faces, two faces
عادي وايه يعني
So what, it's fine
عالأقل كانوا واضحين
At least those people were clear
وشين وشين
Two faces, two faces
عادي وايه يعني يعني عادي
So what, it's fine
بس كانوا بني آدمين
But at least they used to be humans
يا عين يا ليل يا ليل
oh eye, oh night1
فين الصحاب؟
Where are friends?
فين الأمان؟
Where is safety?
مش انت صاحبي
You are not my friend
ولا حبيبي بتاع زمان
nor the one I loved and knew long ago
بتبقى جنبي بتشكر فيا
When you are by my side you praise me
وباين في عينك عكس الكلام
But the opposite of your words is apparent in your eyes
أنا كل يوم بفكر
Every day I think,
بعدتوا عنا ليه؟
Why did you go away from us?
ما بعرفش أنام
I couldn't sleep
لحد ما جت في دماغي
Until I suddenly remembered
دعوة أمي
My mother's prayer
لما كانت تدعيلي وتقولي
When she used to pray for me and tell me
روح يبني
Oh son I pray,
يبعد عنك ولاد الحرام
for God to keep the people with bad intentions away from you