Translation of the song Drekavac artist S.A.R.S.
The screamer
Stani i pogledaj u mračne noći,
Stop and look into dark nights,
pogledaj u moje oči.
look into my eyes.
tamo videćeš sve,
You'll see everything there,
osećaš istu patnju zar ne?
you feel the same suffering, do you?
Stani i oteraj sad ovaj nemir,
Stop and repel this restlessness now,
ne želiš biti sličan meni.
you don't want to be similar to me.
Da te progoni bol i tera na to
To be chased by pain and be made
da vrištiš u noći...
to scream in the night...
Drekavac se budi, čuvajte se ljudi.
The screamer is waking up, beware people.
Stigli crni dani, kurve narkomani,
Dark days came, whores, junkies,
prljavi žandari, lažni poglavari...
filthy police constables, fake chiefs...
Tako stoje stvari u našoj mesari.
That's how are things in our butcher's shop.
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...
Kada bih mogao pred sunce stati,
If I ever could stand up in front og the sun,
još jednom svetlost ugledati.
see light for one more time.
Da osetim to, podignem glavu
To feel it, raise my head up
i oteram zlo.
and repel evil.
tada bih lako mog'o da poletim
Then I could start to fly then easily
i za trenutak da se setim
and to remember in a moment
kol'ko malo mi treba
how little I need
da stignem do neba.
to arrive to the sky.
Drekavac se budi, čuvajte se ljudi.
The screamer is waking up, beware people.
Stigli crni dani, kurve narkomani,
Dark days came, whores, junkies,
prljavi žandari, lažni poglavari...
filthy police constables, fake chiefs...
Tako stoje stvari u našoj mesari.
That's how are things in our butcher's shop.
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...
U našoj mesari...
In our butcher's shop...