Translation of the song Istok - Zapad artist S.A.R.S.


Istok - Zapad

English translation

East - West

Zovu nas sa istoka, utiču sa zapada.

They're calling us from the east, they're influencing from the west

Mene to ne zanima, ja ostajem ovde,

That doesn't interest me, I'm staying here

jer ovde je zabava!

Because the fun is here!

Opet nove poplave, ideje me spopale

New floods again, ideas have convinced me

da pokupim stvari i zauvek zapalim.

To pick up my things and burn them forever

Brate, teško je da napustim baš sve

Bro, it's hard to leave just about everything

te drage likove, neostvarene sne.

Those dear faces, unrealised dreams

Tu gde sam se rodio jaše se ko rodeo.

Where I was born you ride like it's a rodeo

Non stop je korida po šavu što kida.

It's a non-stop bullfight tearing at the seams

Sreću tražim na tomboli, dok vladaju zumbuli.

I find luck on the lottery whilst idiots rule

Pivo ispred Sokera sve demone otera!

Beer in front of football gets rid of all your demons!

Zovu nas sa istoka, utiču sa zapada.

They're calling us from the east, they're influencing from the west

Mene to ne zanima, ja ostajem ovde,

That doesn't interest me, I'm staying here

jer ovde je zabava!

Because the fun is here!

Izbeglica najezda, crv me neki izjeda,

A refugee invasion, some worm eats me from inside

ali nije lako da odeš tek tako.

But it's not easy to go just like that

Što dalje odavde, dalje od nepravde.

The further from here, further from injustice

Dalje od rata, sestre i brata.

Further from war, sisters and brothers

Neko im je rek'o da odu daleko

Somebody told them to to go far

i ja sam utisak stek'o da lepše je preko.

I was also under the impression that it was nicer over there

Ali kada mućnem glavom, ne, ja neću za tim stadom

But when I think about it, no, I don't want to follow that herd

ovde svoje seme sadim, svoju priču gradim.

It's here I sow my seeds and build my own story

Ako odem ja, ako odeš i ti, ko će ovde ostati?

If I go, if you go, who will stay here?

Ako odem ja, ako odeš i ti, brzo ćemo nestati.

If I go, if you go, we'll quickly disappear.

Doći će čudni ljudi, pričaće jezik drugi.

Strange people will come, they'll speak a different language.

Nestać ono naše, zavičaj ga zvaše.

That which is ours will vanish, the homeland calls.

Zato čekaj bolje dane, ne beži preko grane.

So wait for better days, don't run away across borders.

Zato čekaj bolje dane, možda čak i nama svane!

So wait for better days, maybe they'll dawn for us!

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