Translation of the song Praktična žena artist S.A.R.S.


Praktična žena

English translation

Handy wife

Moja praktična žena

my handy wife

kuva, pere, sprema

cooks, washes, cleans

ona računa vodi

She handles the business

kada mene nema

when I'm not around

Decu pazi, mene mazi

She looks after the children, strokes me

strogo svaki dan

strictly every day

moja žena praktična

My handy wife

skroz fantastična

totally fantastic

Moja praktična žena

My handy wife

nasmejana vazda

is always smiling

moja praktična žena

my handy wife

voli da sam gazda

likes when I'm the boss

Da ne galamim na nju

When I don't yell at her

uvek voli da sam tu

she'd always like me to be around

moja žena praktična

My handy wife

skroz fantastična

totally fantastic

Moja praktična žena

My handy wife

jako malo spava

sleeps very little

moju praktičnu ženu

My handy wife

retko boli glava

seldom has an headache

Njene oči vesele

Her cheerful eyes

uvek me razvesele

always cheer me up

moja žena praktična

My handy woman

skroz fantastična

totally fantastic

Moja praktična žena

My handy wife

nije obična

isn't ordinary

moja praktična žena

My handy wife

super odlična

totally amazing

I kad je ironična

And when she's being ironic

ja je volim do neba

I love her to heaven

moja žena praktična

My handy woman

skroz fantastična

totally fantastic

I šta bi mi da žena nema

And what would we do if there were no women

šta bi mi bez tih problema

what would we do without those problems

zato svaki svoju neka ceni

therefore everyone should appreciate his one

I šta bi mi da žena nema

And what would we do if there were no women

šta bi mi bez tih problema

what would we do without those problems

ovo je pesma o praktičnoj ženi

that's a song about the handy wife

Ti si moja praktična žena

You're my handy wife

o da

Oh yes

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