Translation of the song Slobodan artist S.A.R.S.



English translation


Svaki dan ja sanjam isti san da ostvarim svoj plan,

Every day I dream the same dream to realise my plan

da biću slobodan, da biću slobodan, o da.

Yes I will be free, yes I will be free, oh yes

I svaki dan ka istom cilju težim i od sudbine ne bežim,

And every day towards the same goal I strive and from destiny I don't run

kad jednom nešto rešim ja biću slobodan, o da.

When I solve something once I will be free, oh yes

Sada je teško, ali proći će.

Now it is hard, but it will pass

Sunčan dan opet doći će.

A sunny day will come again

Posle zime ide proleće.

After winter goes the spring

Ja imam svoj put.

I have my own way

Sveće do zore dogoreće,

Candles will burn out by dawn

kao što svaka ljubav boleće.

Like every love will hurt

Posle kiše duga je.

After rain there is a rainbow

Ja imam svoj put.

I have my own way

Svaki dan ja sanjam isti san da ostvarim svoj plan,

Every day I dream the same dream to realise my plan

da biću slobodan, da biću slobodan, o da.

Yes I will be free, yes I will be free, oh yes

I svaki dan ka istom cilju težim i od sudbine ne bežim,

And every day towards the same goal I strive and from destiny I don't run

kad jednom nešto rešim ja biću slobodan, o da.

When I solve something once I will be free, oh yes

Ljudi su stene kada loše im krene, to dobro znam.

People are rocks when it starts to go badly for them, I know that well

Jer bolje sutra za tebe i mene nema cene.

Because a better tomorrow for you and me doesn't have a price

Zato ne traći vreme na glupe probleme više nikada.

So don't waste time on stupid problems ever again

Samo vedrije teme, složno čuvajmo pleme,

Only clearer ideas, together we protect the community

mir i ljubav su za sve!

Peace and love are for all!

Svaki dan ja sanjam isti san da ostvarim svoj plan,

Every day I dream the same dream to realise my plan

da biću slobodan, da biću slobodan, o da.

Yes I will be free, yes I will be free, oh yes

I svaki dan ka istom cilju težim i od sudbine ne bežim,

And every day towards the same goal I strive and from destiny I don't run

kad jednom nešto rešim ja biću slobodan, o da.

When I solve something once I will be free, oh yes

Slobodan, slobodan, slobodan, ja biću slobodan. x8

Free, free, free, I will be free [x8]

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