Translation of the song Veruj mi artist S.A.R.S.
Veruj mi
Believe Me
Ne trebaju skupa kola, ne treba ni stan,
I don't need an expensive car, I don't need an apartment,
Ne treba mi puno toga da ostvarim san,
I don't need many things to fulfill my dream.
Ne treba mi brdo para, niti sto drugara,
I need neither a pile of money nor a hundred friends
Samo ti mi trebaš dušo, ostalo me smara.
I only need you darling, everything else bores me.
Ne treba mi crkva, ja sam s tobom naš'o spas,
I don't need the church, I have found salvation with you.
Ne treba mi partija, tebi dajem glas.
I don't need a political party, I'm giving you a vote.
Ne treba mi škola, i bez nje ja dobro znam,
I don't need school and without it I know very well,
Dok je meni tebe, draga, neću biti sam.
While you're with me, darling, I won't be alone.
Veruj mi ne treba mi niko, samo trebaš mi ti, trebaš mi ti. x2
Believe me I don't need anyone, I just need you, I need you. x2
Ne treba mi droga da bih stigao do Boga,
I don't need drugs to reach God,
Ne treba mi rakija, meni treba tvoja magija,
I don't need rakija*, I need your magic.
Ne treba mi vojska, ratovanje meni škodi,
I don't need an army, I don't want to fight wars,
Ja sa tobom ljubav vodim, samo to mi godi.
I make love with you, only that I like to do.
Ne treba mi popularnost, da me svako zna,
I don't need popularity, don't need everyones to know me.
Ne treba mi tuđa pažnja, samo ti si meni važna.
I don't need anyone else's attention, you're the only person important to me.
Ne treba mi da ti pišem da te volim ja,
I don't need to write you that I love you,
ne treba, jer to i sama znaš...
no need, because you know it already.
Ref: x2
Ref: x2