Translation of the song Živim na Balkanu artist S.A.R.S.


Živim na Balkanu

English translation

I live in the Balkans

Lep je dan i šetam se po gradu

It's a beautiful day and I'm walking about town

I mislim kako je savršeno sve

And I'm thinking about how perfect everything is

A onda setim se da živim na Balkanu

But then I remember that I live in the Balkans

Desiće se neko sranje kasnije il' pre

Some shit will happen sooner or later

Pesimizam izbijam iz glave

I knock the pessimism out of my head

I sanjam samo ružičaste sne

And I dream only rosy dreams,

A onda setim se da živim na Balkanu

But then I remember that I live in the Balkans

I tad poželim da se ubijem!

And that's when I want to kill myself!



Oooh, živim na Balkanu

Oooh, I live in the Balkans

Oooh, živim na Balkanu

Oooh, I live in the Balkans

Oooh, živim na Balkanu

Oooh, I live in the Balkans

Oh oh oh oooh...

Oh oh oh oooh...

Stigao je prvi i primio sam platu

The 1st has arrived and I've received my wage

Na pivo ću da zovem svoje drugove

I'm going to call all my friends round for a beer

A onda setim se da živim na Balkanu

But then I remember that I live in the Balkans

I da još vučem stare dugove

And that I'm still burdened by old debts

Prošao sam tiket i imam sad za hranu

I betted successfully and now I have enough for food

I možda kupim čak i nove patike

And maybe I'll even buy new trainers

A onda setim se da živim na Balkanu

But then I remember that I live in the Balkans

I da se kolo sreće brzo okreće

And that the wheel of fortune quickly turns

[Refren x4]

[Chorus x4]

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