Translation of the song Paskutinis traukinys artist FOJE


Paskutinis traukinys

English translation

Last train

Ar tu dar gali kentėti tas blogas mintis?

Can you still endure those bad thoughts?

Ar tu dar gali matyti akis visai tuščias?

Can you still see completely empty eyes?

Ar tau malonu girdėti žodžius bukai piktus?

Is it nice for you to hear those stupidly angry words?

Ar dar tave įkvepia šalti žmonių veidai?

Are you still inspired by people's cold faces?

Kokia nuostabi diena ir koks švarus dangus.

What a beautiful day and such a clear sky

Kokia nenusakoma gerų akių šviesa.

What indescribable light of good eyes

Ir tie, kur apsidžiaugia, jei kam nesiseka,

And those that are happy when someone else is fail

Negali uždengti to dangaus - jų tiek nėra.

Can't cover that shy - there's not enough of them



Paskutinis traukinys dar laukia,

Last train is still waiting

Dar yra jame vieta laisva.

There is still one last place left there

Paskutiniam vagone prie lango,

At the last wagon by the window

Kur ir man skirta vieta šalia.

Where a place for me is right next to it

Jei tu jau pasidavei - užkask save giliau,

If you already gave up - bury yourself deeper

Jei tu negali tylėt - dainuok garsiau,

If you can't stay silent - sing louder

Jei tu nori keist pasaulį - keisk pirmiau save,

If you want to change the world - change yourself first

Jei tu tamsoje - aš ten taip pat buvau.

If you're in the darkness - I was there too

Pried. (2 k.):

Chorus (x2)

Paskutinis traukinys dar laukia,

Last train is still waiting

Dar yra jame vieta laisva.

There is still one last place left there

Paskutiniam vagone prie lango,

At the last wagon by the window

Kur ir man skirta vieta šalia.

Where a place for me is right next to it

Paskutinis traukinys dar laukia,

Last train is still waiting

Dar yra jame vieta laisva...

There is still one last place left there

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