Translation of the song Jelena artist Jelena Karleuša
Sa kiše sam se sklonila
I've hod from the rain
na vrata ti pozvonila
Ringed at your door
taman da kažem: Volim te.
Just when I wanted to tell you 'I love you'
Ti meni: Koga tražite ?
You (asked) me 'Who are you looking for'
O, kako je to moguće
Oh, how is it possible
ljubili se do prekjuče
We've kissed up to the day before yesterday
k'o da me vidi prvi put
It's like he sees me for the first time
zašto se pravi lud
Why is he playing the fool
kad nije prvi put
When it's not the first time
zašto se pravi lud
Why is he playing the fool
Zovem se Jelena, Jelena,
My name is Jelena, Jelena
zar mi se ne sećaš imena ?
Don't you remember my name
Jelena, Jelena, Jelena,
Jelena, Jelena, Jelena
zar nemaš nimalo vremena ?
Don't you have any time
Ja sam ona što ti je
I am the one that
pogledom prala prozore
Washed your windows with my look
preko krovova letela
Flied above the roofs
na krilima ljubomore
On the wings of jealousy
Ja sam ona kojoj si prodao lažne bisere
I'm to one to who you sold fake pearls
i k'o u Bibliju gledala u oči tvoje neverne
And who looked in your deceitfull eyes like at the Bible