Translation of the song Ko ti to baje artist Jelena Karleuša
Ko ti to baje
Who Is Charming You
Ja volim volim da da preteram ne zameri
I like like to exceed don’t blame me
Ja radim radim to isključivo iz ljubavi
I’m doing doing this exclusively in the name of love
iz ljubavi...
in the name of love
Ja volim da preteram ne zameri
I like to exceed don’t blame me
Ja radim to isključivo iz ljubavi
I’m doing this exclusively in the name of love
Pa ako malo preteram ti oprosti mi
And if I over exceed a little bit forgive me
Ja radim to isključivo iz ljubavi
I’m doing this exclusively in the name of love
Da me vodis na Havaje
So that you take me to Hawaii
Da nam “ono” duže traje
So it lasts longer [it = sex]
Ko te voli taj ti baje
Who loves you, casts a spell on you
I’m casting a spell
Kad ti druga usne daje
When some other is giving her lips to you [kissing him]
Da ti poljupci zataje
So that your kisses deny
Ko te voli taj ti baje
Who loves you, casts a spell on you
I’m casting a spell
Ma ko ti to baje...e
Who is charming you
Pa ne znaš šta ti je...ijee
And you don’t know what’s happening to you
Ja volim volim da da preteram ne zameri
I like like to exceed don’t blame me
Ja radim radim to isključivo iz ljubavi
I’m doing doing this exclusively in the name of love
Koren badema za sreću
Root of almond for good luck
Kad se lomiš hoću neću
When you don’t know, if you would or not
Gasim svetlo palim sveću
I turn of the lights, light a candle
I’m casting a spell
Da me voziš da me vraćaš
To drive me, to return me
Da mi lude snove plaćaš
To pay for my crazy dreams
Kad te varam da ne saznaš
When I cheat so that you don’t find out
I’m casting a spell