Translation of the song Magija artist Jelena Karleuša
I djavo place kad dusu mi pogleda
And devil cries when look at my soul
pita me da li Bog za mene jos zna
ask me, if God still knows about me
sta mi se to desilo otkud ja tu na dnu
what happened to me, why am I at the end
kad mesto nije mi tu
when my spot isn't here
Nikome ni rec
Don't say a word
kazes jezik za zube
you order to me
tvoje usne mi prete
your lips comminate to me
i do bola me ljube
and kiss me to the pain
Ljubav ce mozda
Love maybe will
promeniti sve
change everything
al' tebe ne moze
but it can't change you
gde je nestala ta magija
where did disappear that magic
Samo na ovo zlo da se ne naviknem
Just not to get used on this evil
u krv da ne udje sto pre da pobegnem
not to come into my blood, as soon as possible I can escape
i djavo pita sta cu ja tu na dnu
and devil asks why am I at the end
kad mesto nije mi tu
when my spot isn't here....