Translation of the song Nisi u pravu artist Jelena Karleuša


Nisi u pravu

English translation


Nisi u pravu sto lako gubis glavu

You are not right when you lose your head

ljubomoran si kad me satima nema

you are jelaous when I am not here for hours

i posle pola noci ne pustas me samu

and after half of the night you won't let me alone

kazes, nije red, stalno drzis propoved

you say, it's not in order, you keep sermon all the time...

Nisi u pravu sto lako gubis glavu

You are not right when you lose your head

stalno pretis mi kao da sam jos mala

you comminate to me all the time, like I am a little girl

i ko da si mi tata ne pustas me samu

and like you are my dad, you don't let me go alone

samu medju svet, sta ti pada na pamet

alone among people, what comes to your mind...



U pravu si, nisam idealna

You are right, I am not ideal

u pravu si da sam nezahvalna

you are right that I am unthankful

ali da varam te nisi u pravu, ne, ne

but that I chouse you, you are not right, no no...

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