Translation of the song Saki artist Jelena Karleuša
Mislila sam Saki lud,
I thought Saki crazy,
Raste mu na glavi dud,
mulberry grows on his head *
Saki voli me do kosti
Saki loves me to the bones
Mislila sam Saki slep,
I thought Saki blind,
Stavicu mu so na rep,
I'll put salt on his tail,
Saki ce da oprosti
Saki will forgive
Ne znam Saki sta mi bi
I don't know Saki what got into me
Kada si mi ovo ti,
When this you
Ti Saki bio najbolji
You Sake were the best for me
Sto sam trazila dragi decace,
Why did I, dear boy, ask for
Preko hleba pogace
cake when I had bread
O Saki,Saki,
O Saki,Saki,
Moj lepi Saki
My beautiful Saki
Ovo je noc za upomoc
This is a night for cry for help
Dodji i kraj mene se spusti,
Come and get down beside me
O Saki,Saki daj da te ljubim
O Saki,Saki let me kiss you
Minuta pet nek' pukne svet
Five minutes let the world burst
Onda me svejedno pusti
Then let me go anyway
Mislila sam Saki lud,
I thought Saki crazy,
Raste mu na glavi dud,
mulberry grows on his head *
Saki voli me do kosti
Saki loves me to the bones
Mislila sam Saki slep,
I thought Saki blind,
Stavicu mu so na rep,
I'll put salt on his tail,
Saki ce da oprosti
Saki will forgive
Sad me ljube nekakvi
Now some kiss me
A u stvari nikakvi,
and basically they are good for nothing
Samo me dobro koriste
They just use me well
Sto sam trazila dragi decace,
Why did I, dear boy, ask for
Preko hleba pogace
cake when I had bread