Translation of the song Testament artist Jelena Karleuša
last will
Ja ove noci pisem testament
I'm writing my last will tonight
Bolje i da umrem,
It's better to die
Nego da se probudim i sutra sa ovim bolom
than to wake up with this pain tomorrow
last will
Moj zadnji pokusaj i argument
my last try and argument
Bolje i da umrem,
it's better to die
Kad ne mogu da drzim ovu ljubav pod kontrolom.
when i cant get this love under control
Ti kazes ako prekinemo sada,
You say if we break up now
Povredjen nece biti niko
nobody will be hurt
Sto to govoris,
why are you saying that
Kada volim te toliko?!
when i love you so much?
Uzalud poljupci se nocas trose,
The kisses are being spent in vain tonight
I ne znam da li mi je dobro il' lose,
and I dont know if I'm feeling good or bad
Dok se trudimo da sve prodje spontano.
while we're trying that everything goes spontaneously
Nemoj da oklevas,
dont hesitate
To nista ne menja
that doesnt change anything
Protresi me do kraja,
shake me up til the end
Tako zavisna sam od tebe
I'm so addicted to you
Bolje da odmah bacim dokumenta,
it's better to throw away the documents right now
Jer nemam vajde od mog argumenta
because there is no use from my argument
Jer i bez mene bices srecan
because you'll be happy without me
I zato si sada tako indiferentan
and that's why you're so indifferent right now
Ti mislis cak i ovog momenta,
now you even think
Kol'ko si dobar od mog testamenta
what will you get out of my last will
O,Boze blagi kakav cinizam,
Oh dear God what cyinicism
dokle to ide tvoj egoizam?!
how far your egoism is going?