Translation of the song Aria (French) [Aria] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST) [2017]
Aria (French) [Aria]
Aria (French) [Aria]
Monts et merveilles
Mounts and wonders,
Splendeur, musique et magie s'éveillent
Splendor, music, and magic awaken,
Admirez ces beautés sans pareilles
Admire these unparalleled beauties,
Chacune a l'espoir de pouvoir
Each person has hope of being able to
Se voir aux bras du prince ce soir
see oneself in the arms of a prince tonight.
Quelle assemblée
What a gathering,
Extravagance, excentricité
Extravagance, eccentricity,
Oh ! C'est inouï, c'est royal, c'est princier
Oh! It's unheard of, it's majestic, it's prince-like,
Quel tourbillon de passion, dansons et chantons
What a whirlwind of passion, we dance and we sing,
Demain est un autre jour !
Tomorrow is another day!