Translation of the song Querem Mandar artist Arnaldo Antunes


Querem Mandar

English translation

They Want To Give Us Orders

Já deu pra perceber o que eles fazem

We have already noticed what they are doing

Em vez de fantasias usam disfarces

Instead of costumes, they wear disguises

Em vez de mergulhar só ficam na margem

Instead of diving, they stay at the riverside

Sem se arriscar

Without risking

E querem mandar

And they want to give us orders

Constroem colossais igrejas e shoppings

They build giant churches and shopping centers

Enchendo cofres com dinheiro dos pobres

They get their safes full of the poor people's money

Espalham medo com impulsos de morte

They spread fear threating to kill people

E querem bem mais

And they want way more than only this

Querem mandar

They want to give us orders

E a gente não

And we

Vai aceitar

Won't stand this

Nem entrar nessa

Neither will we accept what they're saying

A gente não

We won't

Vai entregar

Give in to them

O que interessa

What they want

Derrubam a floresta pra plantar grama

They cut the forest down to spread grass seeds

Sorrindo na revista em troca de fama

Smiling in the magazine covers getting more famous

E acham que só é feliz quem reclama

And they think that only those who complain are happy

Se precisar

If it's needed

Querem mandar

They want to give us orders

Limitam os assuntos e territórios

They restrict the subjects what we talk and limit the borders

Só lavam sua culpa nos purgatórios

They only get rid of their blame in the purgatories

E ganham dividendos nos escritórios

And they receive the dividends in their offices

Pra desperdiçar

So they can waste it

E querem mandar

Yet, they want to give us orders

E a gente não

And we

Vai aceitar

Won't stand this

Nem entrar nessa

Neither will we accept what they're saying

A gente não

We won't

Vai entregar

Give in to them

O que interessa

What they want

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