Translation of the song Belle (Reprise) (Norwegian) [Belle (Reprise)] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST) [2017]
Belle (Reprise) (Norwegian) [Belle (Reprise)]
Belle (Reprise)
Hørt på maken?
Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Jeg som kone til den breiale bøllen...
I, as the wife to that common brute...
Madam Gaston, jeg syns jeg så det
Madame Gaston, I think I saw that
Madam Gaston, hans lille viv
Madame Gaston, his little wife
Nei, den gang ei, jeg sverger på det
No, not that time, I swear to it
Jeg vil no' mer enn dette småbyliv
I want something more than this small-town life
Jeg må ha luft, jeg må ha rom for drømmen
I must have air, I must have room to dream
Nei, ikke slave som en trell
No, not toil like a slave
Og så sant mitt navn er Belle
And as sure as my name is Belle
Om en mann blir aktuell,
If a man becomes my interest
Så er dette no' jeg avgjør selv
Then this is something I'll decide myself