Translation of the song A sad sam ja na redu artist Zdravko Čolić
A sad sam ja na redu
Now It's My Turn
Prošla si pored mene ti
You passed me by
kao da sam neki stranac
like I was some stranger
ništa od one ljubavi
nothing is left of that love
čiji ja sam bio znalac
I knew very well
Neću da molim neću ne
I won't beg, I won't
s tim je svršeno zauvijek
I'm done with that
idi i ne okreći se
go and don't turn around
i za tebe imam lijek
I have a cure for you as well
Sad malo ja kažem, ne
Now I'm saying no
sad malo ja kažem, ne
Now I'm saying no
Kad se javiš nisam kod kuće
When you call I'm not home
previše učim boli me zub
I study too much, I have a toothache
moraš biti strpljpljiva malo
you need to be a little patient
možda u petak a možda i ne
maybe on Friday, maybe not
Haj, haj, haj, nije više maj
Hey, hey, it isn't May anymore
haj, haj, haj, došao je kraj
hey, hey, the end has come