Da mi nije ove moje tuge
If there is no sorrow of mine
živio bih k'o što drugi žive
I would live like anyone else
pjevao bih i voljeo druge
I would sing and love
imao bih sjajne perspektive
I would have nice perspective
da mi nije ove moje tuge
if there is no sorrow of mine.
Ja ne pucam na glavne zgoditke
I don't point to a great pleasures
zbog kojih se samo vrijeme traći
they are only waste of time
dao bih se na kratke užitke
I would like simpler ones
bilo bi ih više što su kraći
there will be more of them, if they are shorter.
Ja ne pucam na glavne zgoditke (beng, beng)
I don't point to a great pleasures (bang, bang)
Da mi nije ove moje tuge
If there is no sorrow of mine
što mi snagu pred ljudima kuša
which is tempting my strength in front of people
s kim bih noći provodio duge
where would I spend my nights
ostala bi pusta moja duša
My soul would stay empty
da mi nije ove moje tuge
if there is no sorrow of mine.