Translation of the song E draga artist Zdravko Čolić
E draga
E draga
Zimi odlaze ptice selice,
In winter migrant birds depart
al' se uvijek vraćaju
but they always come back
A ja neću nikad na ta mijesta,
but I'll never (return) on that places
što na tebe sećaju
which remind me on you
Na hladnoj postelji,
on the cold bed
Bože, koferi,
God, suitcases
pahulje u prozoru
flakes (of snow) on the window
To su zadnje slike koje pamtim,
those are the last pictures that I remember
i koje se ne brišu
which won't be erased
Miriše evo opet zima, snijegovi
Wither (could be) scents here again, (and) snows (you can smell winter here, snow)
I kod nas već se peku mladi kesteni
and young chestnut have been already roasted in our place (we are roasting young chestnut already here)
Eeee, e draga draga da je sreće,
Eh, dear, dear if we had had lucky (if there was luck)
bila bi sa mnom
you would have been with me
Ali ti se neće
but it can't happened to you (it won't let happen to you)
Zimi odlaze ptice selice,
In winter migrant birds depart
al' se uvijek vraćaju
but they always come back
A ja neću nikad na ta mijesta,
but I'll never (return) on that places
što na tebe sećaju
which remind me on you
Miriše evo opet zima, snijegovi
Wither scents here again, snows
I kod nas već se peku mladi kesteni
we are roasting young chestnut already here
Eeee, e draga draga da je sreće,
Eh, dear, dear if we had had lucky (if there was luck)
bila bi sa mnom
you would have been with me
Ali ti se neće
but it can't happened to you (it won't let happen to you)