Translation of the song Jako, jako slabo srce zavodiš artist Zdravko Čolić
Jako, jako slabo srce zavodiš
Very, very weak heart you're seducing
Miris benzina
Smell of gasoline
pismo na brisaću
letter on windscreen
tvoje stope na mom otiraću
your foots on my doormat.
Bacaš čini
You are casting spells
ili mi se čini
or am I wrong
negdje u zraku
somewhere in the dark
zamirišeš mi u polumraku
I smell you in half-light
Refren 2x
Ref. 2x
Jako, jako slabo
Very very weak
srce zavodiš
heart you are seducing
sekund mi fali, sekund mali
I need second more, piece of second
zar ne vidiš
don't you see.
Noćno sunce
Night sun
mjesec kao srce
moon like a heart
biber na kolaču
pepper on a wheel
tvoje stope na mom otiraću
your foots on my doormat.