Translation of the song Kad bi moja bila artist Zdravko Čolić


Kad bi moja bila

English translation

If you were mine

Ponekad biva da poželim

Sometimes it happens I wish

more da bude boje tvojih suza

the sea to be the colour of your eyes

I da se za mene otvori

and to open for me

kao za Isusa

like for Jesus

Ponekad biva da okusim

Sometimes it happens I taste

poljubac boje hibiskusa

a hibiscus coloured kiss.

Ti vodu u vino pretvaraš

You turn water into wine

kao za Isusa

like for Jesus

Evo me kako dušu odvajam od tijela

Here I am separating my soul from my body

dušu što si na krst razapela

My soul that you crucified

I tijelo koje nikad nisi htijela

and my body that you never wanted.

Kad bi moja bila

If you were mine...

A puno mi ne treba, zalogaj ljubavi

And I don’t need much, just a bite of love,

Svijet kao nafora

the world as naphora,

Bože oprosti mi, ova ljubav je

God forgive me, this love is

moj hljeb sa sedam kora

my bread with seven crusts

Kad bi moja bila

If you were mine...

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