Translation of the song Na adresi ti piše... artist Zdravko Čolić
Na adresi ti piše...
It is written on your adress
Da li je dobro tu
Is it good there?
Dal' je dobro na sjeveru
Is it good in the north?
Dal' miriše na tugu
Does it smell like sadness?
Dal' miriše na jugu.
Does it smell like Yugoslavia?
Javi se,pojavi se,
Pick up your phone, come,
ako kasniš najavi se
If you are running late, announce yourself
javi se svom drugu
Call your friend
ovdje dole na jugu.
Down here in the south
Podji, prodji, pa kući dodji.
Go, go, and come home
Na adresi ti piše Sarajevo,Sarajevo
Sarajevo, Sarajevo - it is written on your adress
Jedno sjedište više za Sarajevo,Sarajevo
One more seat for Sarajevo, Sarajevo
S ove stanice autobusi
Buses from this station
voze desno i lijevo
Drive right and left
da li ijedan ide za Sarajevo.
Does even one go for Sarajevo?
Zemlja se okreće
The Earth is spinning
kad miriše na proljeće
When it smells like spring
kad ne cvjeta cvijeće
When there are no more flowers
tad ni zemlja neće.
That is when even the Earth won't