Translation of the song Na ovaj dan artist Zdravko Čolić
Na ovaj dan
On that day
I opet proljeće
It's spring again,
i opet onaj isti mali grad
it's that same small city again
i opet golubovi slijeću
the pigeons are landing again
na moj rukav k'o i tad
on my sleeve like before
A ispod jasena
And under the ash tree
momak i djevojka
there is a guy and a girl
na mjestu gdje smo
at the spot where we used to be
nekad bili ti i ja
you and I
U ruci crno bijela slika,
A black and white picture in my hand,
a u tvojoj kosi cvijet
and a flower in your hair
uz rijeku pokraj mosta
standing by the river beside the bridge
šeta meni nepoznati svijet
walks an unknown world
Sav se najezim, kada se prisjetim
I shudder when I remember
i opet onu istu zimu osjetim
and feel that same winter again
Samo se najezim, kada se prisjetim
I just shudder when I remember
kada te vidim sa njim
when I see you with him
Na ovaj dan ja prvi put
On that day I kissed you
sam te poljubio
for the first time
poljubio, a istog trena zaljubio
I kissed and from that moment on fell in love
zaljubio, poludio, od usana se opio
I fell in love, lost my mind, got drunk from lips
Na ovaj dan svi dobili,
On that day everyone won,
a ja izgubio, sad stojiš s njim,
but I lost, now you're standing there with him,
preda mnom on je tebe grlio
he embraced you in front of me
a ne mogu da ne gledam
but I can't not have a look
kad pogledam eksplodiram
when I look, I explode