Translation of the song Negdje na dnu srca artist Zdravko Čolić


Negdje na dnu srca

English translation

Somewhere At The Bottom Of My Heart

Donose vino domaće,

They are bringing home made wine

prozori tvoji zaspat će,

your windows will fall asleep

ne spuštaj kad te nazovem,

don't hang up when I call

sta ću, moram.

What can I do, I have to

Poneki osmijeh slagat ću,

I'll fake a smile or two

poneku sreću odglumit ću

I'll pretend to be happy once in a while

i sve se lažem Proći će,

and I keep lying to myself it will pass

a znam da neće.

and I know it wont.

Šta ti je vrijeme donijelo,

What did the time bring you

il' bolje, šta je odnijelo,

or better yet, what did it take away

od kako nismo zajedno,

since we're not together

al' svejedno.

but whatever

Sve da se nebo otvori

Even if the sky would open up

i padnu zvijezda grozdovi

and star clusters fell down

ni jedna od njih, Nataša,

none of them, Natasa,

nije naša.

is ours

Negdje na dnu srca,

Somewhere at the bottom of my heart

duboko u meni,

deep inside me

nešto me tjera, ej, tebi kao ženi.

something is pushing me, hey, to you as a woman

Negdje na dnu srca,

Somewhere at the bottom of my heart

nešto me veže

something is bounding me

i što sam stariji bit će mi sve teže.

and the older I get, the harder it will be for me

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