Translation of the song Ničeg nije bilo između nas artist Zdravko Čolić
Ničeg nije bilo između nas
There was nothing between us
Ničeg nije bilo između nas,
There was nothing between us,
to je pola gole istine.
That's a half of the naked truth.
Ničeg nije bilo između nas…
There was nothing between us...
Jutros sam s kišom pred vrata pao.
This morning I fell with the rain in front of the door.
K’o baletan se uvuk’o u stan.
Like a ballet dancer I sneaked into the apartment.
Na prstima tiho, da ne čuje niko
Quietly on my fingers, so no one hears
ni šum, ni glas, ni ti, ni pas.
Not a hum, not a voice, neither you, neither the dog.
Moje je srce pred tobom čisto,
My heart in front of you is pure,
al’ savjest moli i kleči.
But the conscience prays and kneels.
Rekla si: Gdje si?
You said: where are you?
U moj je uzdah stalo hiljadu riječi.
A thousand words (then) fit into my breath.
Pitaš me kako to u jesen mirišem na proljeće
You ask me how come I, in autumn,
i da li smijem da se zakunem
Smell like spring
da ničeg nije bilo.
And may I swear
Ničeg nije bilo između nas,
There was nothing between us,
to je pola gole istine.
That's a half of the naked truth.
Ničeg nije bilo između nas.
There was nothing between us.
Ni moje košulje, ni njene haljine.
Nor my shirt, nor her dress.
A ti si meni otvorila kavez,
And you opened a cage to me,
al’ si mi slomila krila.
but you broke my wings.
Iskreno… ženo, nadam se
Honestly... woman, I hope
da to ljubav nije ni bila.
That that even wasn't love.
Pitaš se kako to u jesen mirišem na proljeće
You ask yourself how come I, in autumn,
i da li smijem da se zakunem
Smell like spring
da ničeg nije bilo.
And may I swear
Ničeg nije bilo između nas,
There was nothing between us,
to je pola gole istine.
That's a half of the naked truth.
Ničeg nije bilo između nas…
There was nothing between us...
Ni moje košulje, ni njene haljine.
Nor my shirt, nor her dress.