Translation of the song Pusti pusti modu artist Zdravko Čolić


Pusti pusti modu

English translation

Forget Fashion

Izgledaš mi kao

You look like

lutkica iz Trsta

a doll from Trieste

opeglana noću

all put together every night

opeglana danju

all put together every day

Cipelice, bluzice, kompletici, šeširi

shoes, shirts, skirts, hats

Baš je glupo biti zaljubljen u damu

it is so stupid to be in love with a lady

Pomalo si kao

you are a little bit like

dunja sa ormara

a quince on a dresser

mirišeš bezveze

scented for no reason

i noću i danju

by day and by night

Viklerčići, češljići, pomadice, parfemi

hair rollers, combs, pomade, perfume

Baš je glupo biti zaljubljen u damu

It is so stupid to be in love with a lady

Baš je glupo biti

it is so stupid

Kud bih s tobom

Where can I go with you

osim u teatar

except to the theatre

Za šetanje - visoka ti peta

for walking - your heels are too high

Za plesanje - haljina ti smeta

for dancing - your dress is in the way

Pusti, pusti modu

forget fashion

Pusti, pusti modu

forget fashion

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