Translation of the song Rakija artist Zdravko Čolić



English translation


Zna dobro mala zmija sve što meni prija

She knows well what I like, little bitch

pa mi se oko tijela vješto uvija

so she swings her body around me

zna dobro da mi godi kako ljubav vodi

she knows well that I like the way she makes love

rodi se da mi škodi mala beštija

she was born to hurt me, litlle creature

Ma nije ona gora nego nočna mora

But she's not worse than nightmare

kad je kraj mene nema šećer mi je loš

when she's next to me my diabetes gets worse

iz mene život cijedi, al' ništa ne vrijedi

she's draining life out of me, but with no result

ne vrijedi, e pa neka, doći ću po još

no result, so what?, I'll come for more



A-i-ja kad mi prija načisto poludim

And I when I like something, I just loose it

rakija, rakija iz mene izbija

schnapps, schnapps is taking me over

pa ne dam da me veže, k'o zmija me steže

and I don't let her tie me and strangle me like snake does

ma nemaš, draga, pravo dok se ne vjenčamo

Darling, you're not entitled to that before we get married

Zna dobro mala guja kad krene oluja

She knows well, little snake, when the storm begins

za leđa da mi priđe, da me obiđe

to come from behind my back, to see how I'm doing

da nađe pa da zađe, tako joj je slađe

to find, and to enter, this way she likes it better

da svede, da zavede, da me povede

to get me down , to seduce me , and to take me

Ref. 2x

Chorus 2x



A-i-ja beštija

And I'm a beast too

a-i-ja bekrija

and I'm a hard-drinking rake

a-i-ja beštija

and I'm a beast too

beštija si prava

you're really a beast

ma nemaš draga pravo

you're not entitled to that

dok se ne vjenčamo

before we get married

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