Translation of the song Sarajevo artist Zdravko Čolić
Prošao sam pola svijeta
I've been across half the world
vidio sam svaki put
I saw every time
Nema voća, nema cvijeća
There's no fruit, there are no flowers
da postoji uzalud
That exist in vain
Pitao sam gdje da idem
I asked where should I go
vodila me sudbina
Fate lead me
rekli su mi gledaj tamo
They told me, Look over there
sjaji među brdima
It's shining among the hills
Oo čega to sija
From what is it shining?
Od dragih imena
From dear names,
sija od ljepote
It's shining from the beauty,
sarajevskih žena
Of Sarajevo women
O neka, neka sipaj meke
Oh, it's alright, alright, pour the mild/soft ones (alcohol)
one jake nisu neke
The strong ones aren't all that (also talking about alcohol)
Neka, neka, sipaj meke
It's alright, alright, pour the mild ones
sutra ćemo vadit fleke
Tomorrow we'll remove the stains
Ima dana i kafana
There are days and bars
i nešto u grudima
And something inside your chest
ima pjesma koju pjevaš
There's a song that you sing
samo dragim ljudima
Only to the ones you love