Translation of the song Šljive su rodile artist Zdravko Čolić


Šljive su rodile

English translation

The plums are ripe

Sanjao sam tvoju kuću, ulicu i dan

I dreamed your house, the street and the day

Ljetni dan što ne može da prođe

the summer day which cannot pass

Slatki miris tvojih šljiva doš'o mi u san

the sweet smell of your plums came inside my dream

K'o što miris tvoje kose s vjetrovima dođe

like the smell of your hair comes with winds

Jednom nogom na rubu mladosti

With one foot on the edge of youth

Drugom smo pošli u oluje i munje

with another we go in the storms and lighting

Ko će brati šljive kad nema radosti

who´ll pick the plums if there is no joy

Ko će na ormare poredati dunje

who´ll put quince on closet

Ovih dana ne prestajem da sanjam

This days I don´t stop dreaming

Tvoja ljubav leti, a ja je ganjam

your love is flying and I´m chasing it

A snovi su sve jasniji i jasniji

and the dreams ar becoming clearer and clearer

Šljive su rodile

The plums are ripe

K'o i prošle godine

like the last year

Sve se oko mene plavi

everything is blue around me

Kao da je more došlo u tvoju bašču

it seemed like the sea come in your garden

Šljive su rodile

The plums are ripe

K'o i prošle godine

like the last year

Samo jedno je u glavi

only on thing is in the head

Ako poletim za tobom, bojim se, bojim se pašću

if I fly for you, I´m scared, I´m scared that I´ll fall

Sanjao sam tvoju kuću, ulicu i dan

I dreamed your house, the street and the day

Ljetni dan što ne može da prođe

the summer day which cannot pass

Slatki miris tvojih šljiva doš'o mi u san

the sweet smell of your plums came inside my dream

K'o što miris tvoje kose s vjetrovima dođe

like the smell of your hair comes with winds

Ovih dana ne prestajem da sanjam...

This days I don´t stop dreaming

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