Translation of the song Smijem se bez smisla artist Zdravko Čolić


Smijem se bez smisla

English translation


Cinilo se nocas

It seemed tonight

da si opet ovdje

you were here again

i da te ljubim

and that I loved you

kao sto sam znao

as a mad man.

htio sam da pitam

I wanted, to ask

otkuda se vracas

where your were returning from

i njezan da budem

and be delicate

i otrovan, zao

and venomous, evil

Htio sam da priznas

I hoped you’d acknowledge

da ti je sad zao

that now you regret

i da me k'o nekad

and that like once

opet volis malo

you love me again.

a onda se jutro

And then the morning

razlilo po nama

spilled on us like over hills

i sve se u meni

and everything in me

prekinulo, stalo

stopped, stood still

Uzalud se budim

I wake up in wain

ponovo je vece

it’s still night

u bucnome stanu

in the noisy flat

neki cudni ljudi

some weird people

piju moje vino

They’re drinking my wine

govore o tebi

talking about you

nemarno bez srca

recklessly without heart

pripiti i ludi

drunk and crazy

I ja nesto glumim

And I’m playing something

smijem se bez smisla

laughing meaningless

pobjednik u lazi

Winner in lies

i putnik bez cilja

and aimless wanderer.

znam da je lakse

I know that it is easier

kada nikog nema

when I’m alone

plakao bih glasno

I would cry out loud

zaspao od vina

would drunk from wine.

ovako u guzvi

Thus in the crowd

smijem se bez smisla

I’m laughing meaningless^

Cinilo se nocas

It seemed tonight



Htio sam da priznas

I hoped you’d acknowledge



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