Translation of the song Svadbarskim sokakom artist Zdravko Čolić
Svadbarskim sokakom
On The Bridal Path
Skrenem katkad slucajno il' ne u onaj sokak kojim svadbe prolaze
Occasionally or not I sometimes go where wedding celebrations take place
do tog ugla brojim korake a od tog ugla dalje brojim poraze
I count the steps while getting to that corner and count the defeats when passing it
Obicno s jeseni i kad je oblacno odbjegla sjenka mi se vrati konacno
Usually in the fall when it's clouded, my shadow fled and finally returned
uzalud mijenjam adrese sam crni vrag mi je donese tu
I'm changing my adress in vain, the black devil braught her here to me
I vjesto smislim nesto utjesno
And I'm able to think of something comforting
u tom sam dobar, kazu, to najbolje znam
they say I'm good at it, I know best
trudim se, ne uvijek uspjesno
I'm trying, (but) not always succesful
tragove svoje da sam sebi zavaram
to hide my traces from myself
Obicno nocu kad je vjetrovito samoca napusti svoje korito
Normally when the night is windy, the loneliness abandons its basket
ta mutna rijeka poplavi poljane sjecanja u glavi svud
that blurry river overflooded the memories in the field of the entire mind
I naprosto se tuga desi jer naprosto si tu gdje jesi
And the pain simply happens cause you're there where you are
i naprosto je trista cuda
and there are simply thirthy wonders
predrasuda sad izmedju nas
Prejudices now between us
Kad ljubav umre jedan zali
When love dies, one regrets
kad ljubav umre jednom fali
When love dies, it's missed
i bome nije lako kad naidje sokakom kojim svadbe prolaze
and by God it's not easy when the road where wedding celebrations is approached
Ponekad jos osjetim tvoj dah
Sometimes I feel your breath
kao nekad kad se okrenes u snu
like once when you turned over in your sleep
kao lahor dirne me na mah
Like a breeze it touches my facial hair
kad smo i casa i ja prilicno pri dnu
When I and my glass have reached the bottom
Obicno uvijek i slicnim danima proslost se navali kao planina
Usually on simular days the past always attacks like mountains
na tom cu vrhu da sazrem jer samo s njega nekad nazrem nas
at that top I'll become more mature cause only from there I sometimes perceive us.