Translation of the song Ustani sestro artist Zdravko Čolić


Ustani sestro

English translation

Stand, sister

Tako si željela

How you desired it

srce si slušala

You listened to your heart

sad onog' kog'

Now the one whom

najviše voliš

You love the most

moraš da zaboraviš

Must be forgotten

Htijela si najbolje

You wanted the best

dogodilo se najgore

The worst had happened

sad onog' kog'

Now the one whom

najviše voliš

You love the most

moraš da zaboraviš

Must be forgotten

A dala bi sve

And you'd give anything

sad bi dala

You'd give it now

da je samo san

For it to be a dream

A zvijezde su

But the stars have

nestale davno

Faded long ago

svanuo je dan

The day has arrived



Ustani, ustani, sejo

Stand, stand, sister

ustani, sestrice moja

Stand, my little sister

hajd' probudi se

Come, wake up

Ustani, najdraže moje

Stnd, my dearest

i znaj, kad najviše ljubiš

And know, when you love the deepest

onda izgubiš

You will lose it

Htijela si najbolje

You wanted the best

dogodilo se najgore

The worst had happened

sad onog' kog'

Now the one whom

najviše voliš

You love the most

moraš da zaboraviš

Must be forgotten

A dala bi sve

And you'd give anything

sad bi dala

You'd give it now

da je samo san

For it to be a dream

A zvijezde su

But the stars have

nestale davno

Faded long ago

svanuo je dan

The day has arrived

REF. 2x

[Chorus 2x]

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