Translation of the song Vagabund artist Zdravko Čolić



English translation


Govorila si, da je kraj,

You said that it's the end,

al' tebi vjerovao nisam.

But I didn't believe you.

Tek kad su usne blijede

Until the pale lips

prišle ka mome licu,

Came close to my face,

u času tom sam znao sve.

In that moment, I knew it all.

Jurim po prerijama,

I'm running around the prairies,

skitam po planinama,

I'm wondering around the mountains,

tražim po sjajnim zvjezdama.

I'm searching around the bright stars.

Borim se s vjetrovima,

I'm battling with winds,

skrivam se po šumama,

I'm hiding in the forests,

drugujem sa lutalicama.

I'm consorting with wanderers.

Kad imam, plaćam za sve,

When I have, I pay for all,

kad nemam, živim k'o prije.

When I don't, I live like before.

Šta je život i smrt,

What is life and death?

šta je strah,

What is fear?

postojiš samo ti.

There is only you.

Sanjam po vozovima,

I sleep in the trains,

spavam sa klošarima,

I lie down together with hobos,

plačem za uspomenama.

I cry with memories.

U nekim potkrovljima

In some attics

lažno se milujem,

I falsely fondle,

sa umornim, tudjim ženama

Tired others' wives

Al' iznad svega si ti,

But above all are you,

ti daješ nadu i moć,

You give hope and the force,

da tražim dalje i dalje,

To keep searching on and on,

taj dom u kojem živiš ti.

For home in which you abide.

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