Translation of the song Vatra I Barut artist Zdravko Čolić


Vatra I Barut

English translation

Fire and powder

Pozvoni mi u pola šest

Ring on my door at half past five

I reci mi radosnu vijest

And tell me the wonderful news

Da si još sama ko ja

That you're still single like me

Da ti se ne spava

That you don't feel like sleeping

Stavi mi srce na dlan

Place your heart on my palm

Vrelo se zaledilo

You've frozen the well over

Al nešto je za tebe tu

But something has still hibernated through

Ipak prezimilo

For you here

Produži mi noć, još je ostalo vina

Extend my night, there's still wine left

Usne su tvoje nekad mogle to

Your lips could do that once

Osjećam goriš, gori tišina

You're burning I can feel it, the silence is burning

Vatra I barut smo

We're fire and powder

Oe, oe, o

Oe, oe, oh



Bom, bom

Boom, boom

Ko da me udari grom

Like I've been hit by lighting

Oe, oe, o

Oe, oe, oh



Bom, bom

Boom, boom

Vatra i barut smo

We're fire and powder

Produži mi noc, joć je ostalo vina

Extend my night, there's still wine left

Ništa za nas nije gotovo

Nothing is over for us

I kad smo blizu, i kad nismo

Both when we're close and when we're not

Vatra I barut smo

We're fire and powder

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