Translation of the song Život je lijep, Helene Marie artist Zdravko Čolić


Život je lijep, Helene Marie

English translation

Life is beautiful, Helene Marie

Rodilo se u dalekoj zemlji

She was in a far away land

jedno malo srce kao cvijet

one little heart like a flower

ostalo je s majkom da se voli

she stayed with her mother to be loved

otiš'o sam ja u svijet

I left to the world

Život je lijep, Helene Marie

Life is beautiful, Helene Marie

a dani idu, sve smo dalje mi

and days go by, we grow father apart

kako ste sad mama i ti

how are you and your mom doing

i da l' ponekad pričate o meni

and do you two sometimes talk about me

Život je lijep, Helene Marie

Life is beautiful, Helene Marie

ja ne razumijem sve što hoćeš ti

I don't understand everything you want

pokušaj sad bar riječi dvije

try to learn one word or two

nauči pa mi kaži volim te

and then tell me that you love me

Život je lijep, Helene Marie

Life is beautiful, Helene Marie

a ti se nisi nasmijala još

and you didn't laugh yet

ne plači sad jer ja sam tu

don't cry now because I'm here

i sve će bolje biti jednog dana

and everything will be better one day

Život je lijep, Helene Marie

Life is beautiful, Helene Marie

mala si još, a hoćeš sve da znaš

you are still little, and you want to know everything

ja idem sad, idi i ti

I'm going now, you go too

i kaži barem ono oui, oui, oui

and say at least that yes, yes, yes

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