Translation of the song أساسى artist Assala Nasri
Sure Thing
لخبطت كياني
You threw my being into confusion
لا بقيت أشوف غيرك
I can't see anyone but you anymore
متسبب فى جناني
You're the reason for my madness
وعقلي ملصماه
My mind is barely hanging in there
لقيت نصي التاني
I found my other half
كتر ألف خيرك
I'm so grateful for him
عشان حظي إداني
because my luck gave me
أحلى ما في الحياة
the best of what is in life
أساسي كده كده
It's a sure thing in any case that
إنت هتلاقي حناني
you will find
أنا ليك يا نور عينى
my affection
أدينى جيت أهو وعليك الباقي
I'm yours; you are the light to my eyes
قول بتهواني
Here I've come and the rest is up to you
قولها قويني
Say that you love me
إيه؟ راسمالك صورة
What? I drew a picture of you
كل شيء خيالي و أسطورة
Everything is magical and [like] a fairy tale1
إيه يا سيدي في إيه ؟
What, What's up fellow?
رأيي و أنا حرة فيه
It's my opinion and I'm free to have it
الله دنا بحبك معذورة
Oh, I love you and [thus] I should be excused
أنا كنت في وادي و إنت كنت في وادي
I was in a world, and you were in another world2
أتاري في السكة دي أنا هكمل معاك
Turns out that I will go on in this path with you
جيت دخلت حياتي إنقلبت حساباتي
You entered my life and turned my calculations upside down
دليلي و إثباتي إني مريحاك
My evidence and proof is that I'm keeping you at peace3